Powerdynamo  regresa el encendido
y la luz a su moto clásica


Sistema 70 16 799 00
=> €/$

Dínamo / encendido electrónico
para Pannonia P20/P21 (2 cylinder)

Magnet based generator (alternator) delivering 12V 150 Watts for lighting with integrated electronic ignition.

Replaces completely old dynamo, regulator, centrifugal governor and ignition coils. The system is technically capable of running without battery. (Should side indicators be installed however, you will need in that case a potent condenser (22.000µF) to smoothen the pulsing voltage.)
Contrary to our policy ("No changes on engine casing needed"), you have to do a little modification at your engine case: a 10mm drill hole to enable wire exit.

Ventajas comparadas con el viejo sistema:
  • todas las partes son nuevas
  • luz mucho más clara (with light bulb 40/45W)
  • encendido muy estable con chispas de alta energía
  • mejor arranque y mejor combustión
  • ya no hay ningún desgaste en el ruptor