Powerdynamo  regresa el encendido y la luz
a su moto clásica


Powerdynamo - data request form flywheel based systems
(dynamo based systems see here)

Please try to answer all questions as carefully as possible. You get more information by clicking on the links provided. Missing information might entail a higher price. Should you not be able to send the filled in form off (by clicking on the send button at the end of this page), print it out and send by mail.

You get a printable file to take paper along to the motorcycle for data collection by clicking here.

your e-mail address
country you live in
manufacturer (e.g. Honda, KTM etc)
type name
engine number
approx. year of make
cycle type (2 or 4 stroke)
Manufacturer of the stock magneto (e.g. Motoplat, Bosch, Noris, SEM etc)?
Base plate is fastened to engine by how many and which screws?  
Diameter of base plate and pitch circle diameter? mm diameter
mm pitch circle diameter
Does the oil seal at the crankshaft magneto side rise above bottom of the magneto base? And if so by appriox how many mm?  
What is the turning direction of the flywheel when looked at from the side?
What is approximate weight, diameter and height of the flyxwheel? kg     mm &   mm height
What is the approx. space between flywheel and engine cover? mm
How is the flywheel fastend to the crank? Nut or screw? Dimensions and LH or RH threading?
What is originally used to pull the rotor? (dimensions)
Would you lend us your stock material to take dimensions?
Please do send us photos shwowing the following details by email:
- installed complete stock system on engine  
- installed base plate without flywheel  
- stock base plate from rear  
- wire diagram so you have